Welcome to our English-speaking friends
“L’Accueil des Villes Françaises” is an association law 1901, recognized in the general interest, approved by the Minister of Housing and Associative Life, in partnership with the Association of Mayors of France and, since 2010, “Pôle Emploi”.
Without political or denominational affiliation, it aims to offer a welcome and information service to those who change city or country.
Created to give a human response to the problems caused by mobility and to facilitate adaptation to a new living environment, AVFs represent a real service in the city.
AVF, a national organization
This Association is governed by a charter and statutes.
Each local AVF has internal regulations which specify and complete the statutes.
By joining, you agree to accept them and to contribute in your turn to participate in the life of the Association, in its development by punctual help or voluntary commitment according to your skills, capacities and availability