Dear Members,

Well, glad to say the year 2020 is over!
“It’s the worst year in history” headlined in the Time Magazine recently.
Yet, 72,000 years ago, a volcanic eruption reduced the human population to a tiny group estimated at 5,000 souls.
In the 14th century, 25 million victims in Europe fell to the Great Black Plague.
One could also quote those that fell during the 2nd world war in 1942……..
These are just three examples among a multitude of others.
So,……. is 2020 our “worst year”??
Everyone will have their own version, according to their experiences, their feelings and their way of life.

Before you let your imagination run wild to a new future, let me wish you and to all those who are dear to you A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Let’s hope we can all meet once again in good health and spirit, and resume our activities where we left off few months ago.
May your thoughts be hopeful and may there be joy in your hearts.

Danielle Prat and the Committee.